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Talkers versus Performers

[Submitted by CA. Girish Borkar,
Mumbai, Maharashtra]

April 6, 2009

Over the years I have had the opportunity to study managers in action in various organizations spread across industries as diverse as steel production to software engineering. One basically comes across two kinds of people – the talkers and the performers, there is a third kind, but he/she is rare – he/she balances talking with performing – this would be the ideal person to lead a team. There is a French proverb, which beautifully summarizes the subject – translated it means – “Great talkers, little doers”.

I will take you through my understanding of the character traits of talkers and performers in that order. Lots of people are talkers. They tell you all about what they are "going to do". They have big plans and good intentions, but all they do is talk. They're always going to do it tomorrow. They're always going to do it later. They're always "going to do it." These guys have all the ideas, but to implement them they will say they need to hire more people to “do the job”. The confusion arises because the person who was originally hired to do the job, starts thinking that his job is not to “do it” but to get things done, so he wants a sub-ordinate to do his job. In such a situation you will have only “managers” and no “workers”. Sound like anyone you know? In such situations the organizations payroll cost would be unjustifiable. Such people are sweet talkers and great con artists who manage to convince their bosses with great technical jargon and by making presentations which look realistic and doable. After the talk and the presentation, it is time to deliver – that is when the problem starts. The talkers do not know how to deliver, so for the how, they need people to manage the implementation of their ideas! Thus you find an organization has hired a person based on his talks and presentations, but when it comes to the crunch, this person cannot deliver and asking for increasing the cost by requesting hires for people who will do his job. The question then begs itself, “why did the organization hire this person in the first place?”

The “performers” don’t talk, they – as the Nike punch line says “just do it”. These people will have their key result areas defined for them by their superiors, and they will just go and perform based on their understanding of their jobs. The performers have no qualms in going and taking guidance to achieve their targets – no ego involved – whereas the talker will have a Himalayan ego – such people normally cannot see beyond their nose. The performers go about their jobs quietly and efficiently without any fanfare and let the results speak for themselves. These people though given recognition by their superiors – never results in them getting paid the kind of salary the talkers command – this is because the performers cannot sell themselves the way talkers can. It takes a very mature and sensitive management and HR team to recognize the difference and to offer appropriate compensation.

A little bit of philosophy to conclude this discussion would be in order. No matter who you are – man, woman, teenager… the results of your whole life will depend on what you do, not what you "talk about"! Would you like guessing which group of people is going to be the ones that experience success in life? Success in whatever they decide to do? You're right. The performers! I learned a long time ago that important things take tremendous work and perseverance. I also learned the closer you get to the realization of that goal, the greater and more intense the obstacles become. It's as if the Universe is testing you to see how much you want it.

If you have dreams of achieving something over time, then you need to put your thoughts into action in a sustainable manner to make your dreams turn to reality. This you cannot do by just talking, you see, you need to perform, and to perform, and to perform till your dreams come true. This is the only way you can live your dreams! Every human being is born with a purpose in life, just understand what your purpose is and go about doing the things necessary to achieve that purpose. Don’t talk, do! That is the essence. Believe in yourself and in your abilities and though it may take time, the results will always be positive and everlasting leaving you with a sense of fulfillment which is enduring.

If you want to check whether you are a “talker” or a “performer”, there is an easy way to do it. I want you to stop what you're doing and think for a few minutes – or as long as it takes. Then I want you to write yourself a letter. Make a commitment to yourself of what you are going to do. Make a list of your goals and put them where you'll see them. Here's something that will really determine if you are a talker or a performer. Write your letter, then ask a friend to mail it to you in 2-3 months. You can put it in a self-addressed, stamped envelope they will merely slip in the mail. You'll be able to see for yourself whether you are a talker or a performer.

Choose today to be a PERFORMER! Remember there is always someone out there who “BELIEVES IN YOU” – just learn to believe yourself and have faith in yourself first!


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