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RBI tweaks D-SIB designation methodology, inserts digital payments aspect

Mumbai, Dec 28, 2023 

The value of securities reported under 'Total Marketable Securities issued by bank' would be based on their market value 

The Reserve Bank of India has revised the methodology for designating a bank as a Domestic Systemically Important Bank (D-SIB) by incorporating digital payments, value as well as volumes, under the substitutability indicator in the assessment.

The data requirement under this sub-indicator stands revised from 'Payments made in INR using RTGS and NEFT systems' to the total value of Digital Payments made in Rupees (75 per cent weightage) and total volume of Digital Payments made in Rupees (25 per cent weightage). The digital payments include all payments other than paper-based instruments, the RBI said in a statement today.

The computation of systemic importance scores, based on the end-March data of all the banks in the sample, will be done annually in August-October. The names of the banks classified as D-SIBs will be disclosed in the month of November every year. As a consequence, banks will be required to be in readiness to submit the required data to the RBI by August 15 of each year.

The value of securities reported under 'Total Marketable Securities issued by bank' would be based on their market value, the RBI added.

[The Business Standard]

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