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NFRA joins IFIAR to strengthen global audit oversight

Nov 14, 2023 

This collaboration with 55 global counterparts signifies a commitment to enhancing audit practices worldwide and fostering the exchange of best practices.Z

In a significant development, India's Independent Audit Regulator, the National Financial Reporting Authority (NFRA), announces its latest membership in the International Forum of Independent Audit Regulators (IFIAR). The announcement was reported from LinkedIn page of NFRA.

Established in 2006, IFIAR stands as a collaborative platform encompassing independent audit regulators from 55 jurisdictions worldwide, representing North America, South America, Asia-Oceania, Europe, and Africa.

NFRA is keen on deepening its engagement with international counterparts, fostering the exchange of best practices, sharing valuable learnings, and actively contributing to the continual enhancement of audit oversight on a global scale, the requlator said.

By joining IFIAR, the regulator anticipates playing a pivotal role in shaping and influencing international standards while actively participating in the global dialogue on audit practices.


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